CVE 您所在的位置:网站首页 gethostbyname use getaddrinfo CVE


2023-03-09 21:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 漏洞概要

Glibc是GNU发布的LIBC库的C运行库,Glibc是Linux系统中最底层的API,基本其它任何运行库都会依赖于Glibc。Glibc除了封装Linux操作系统所提供的系统服务外,还提供了其它的必要服务的实现。由于 Glibc 几乎包含所有的 UNIX 通行的标准,可以说是操作系统重要支撑库。

Glibc中的 DNS 解析器中存在基于栈的缓冲区溢出漏洞,当在程序中调用Getaddrinfo函数时,攻击者自定义域名或是通过中间人攻击利用该漏洞控制用户系统。比如攻击者向用户发送带有指向恶意域名的链接的邮件,一旦用户点击该链接,攻击者构造合法的DNS请求时、以过大的DNS数据回应便会形成堆栈缓存区溢出并执行远程代码,达到完全控制用户操作系统。

该漏洞影响Glibc 2.9以后的所有版本,虽然可以进行远程执行攻击,攻击者还需要解决绕过ASLR系统安全机制。

2. 漏洞复现




实测其它调用Glibc的程序也会因查询域名导致崩溃。伪造DNS服务器发出的POC数据,在TCP DNS数据中包含了大量字符“B”,如下 :

使用IDA远程调试 Debian 系统上的CVE-2015-7547-CLIENT,在调用Glibc的 Getaddrinfo 函数时出现崩溃,崩溃现场的状态如下:





getaddrinfo (getaddrinfo.c) ->_nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r (dns-host.c) ->__libc_res_nsearch (res_query.c) ->__libc_res_nquery (res_query.c) ->__libc_res_nsend (res_send.c) ->send_vc (res_send.c)


可以看到在_nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r函数中,使用alloca函数申请了2048字节的内存空间。alloca函数的功能是动态开辟栈地址空间,但如果参数是个固定大小的值,汇编代码就生成为把ESP减去固定值。调试分析栈的布局可以发现,host_buffer等局部变量是处在栈的高地址,alloca分配的内存是处在栈的低地址,这2048字节被溢出之后会覆盖掉host_buffer等变量。 从以上两图可以看出,进入_nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r函数时,返回地址所在栈中的位置是0xBFFFF560。而当完成溢出覆盖导致访问异常时,此返回地址处的值已经被改写为0x42424242。

_nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r函数中调用了__libc_res_nsearch函数进行实际域名查询,把局部变量host_buffer的栈地址作为参数传递进去,用于保存DNS服务器数据的实际存储地址。最终会调用到send_vc函数,在接收大于2048字节的数据之前,本应该在判断缓冲区大小不够时去分配更大的堆内存,但由于存在一段不太成熟的测试代码结果造成了逻辑错误,使得判断缓冲区过小的条件永远不成立,这样就不会去分配大内存,导致数据保存到alloca分配的栈内存中,造成缓冲区溢出。在最新发布的glibc 2.23版补丁中,这段不成熟的代码已被删掉,解决了此漏洞。




4. 漏洞分析(该部分内容来自用户k0sh1)


首先我们就从离崩溃现场已知最远端入手,进行分析。根据bt回溯的信息,我们可以看到nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r是nss_dns/dns-host.c中的函数,这个.c文件对应的动态链接库是,那么我们需要在加载动态链接库后对这个函数下断点,我们使用gdb中的catch load对动态链接库加载进行跟踪。

gdb-peda$ catch load 1 (load)gdb-peda$ runStarting program: /root/Desktop/CVE-2015-7547-master/CVE-2015-7547-master/gclient [----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0xbfffe98c --> 0xbfffeb50 ("")EBX: 0xb7fff000 --> 0x22f0c ECX: 0x4 EDX: 0x9 ('\t')ESI: 0x0 EDI: 0x4 EBP: 0xbfffe868 --> 0xbfffe9c8 --> 0xbfffeb88 --> 0xbfffebb8 --> 0xbffff0e8 --> 0xbffff218 --> 0xbffff268 --> 0x0 ESP: 0xbfffe800 --> 0x804bff0 --> 0xb7e04000 --> 0x464c457f EIP: 0xb7fef15a (: nop)EFLAGS: 0x202 (carry parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7fef153 : test eax,eax 0xb7fef155 : je 0xb7fef15b 0xb7fef157 : mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]=> 0xb7fef15a : nop 0xb7fef15b : mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8] 0xb7fef15e : sub esp,0xc 0xb7fef161 : mov ecx,DWORD PTR [eax+0x1c] 0xb7fef164 : mov edx,DWORD PTR [eax+0x18][------------------------------------stack-------------------------------------][------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, valueCatchpoint 1 Inferior loaded /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ in dl_open_worker (a=0xbfffe98c) at dl-open.c:572572 dl-open.c: No such file or directory.


gdb-peda$ deletegdb-peda$ b _nss_dns_gethostbyname4_rBreakpoint 2 at 0xb7e064d0: file nss_dns/dns-host.c, line 284.gdb-peda$ runStarting program: /root/Desktop/CVE-2015-7547-master/CVE-2015-7547-master/gclient [----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0xbffff0c4 --> 0x0 EBX: 0xb7fd3000 --> 0x19cd64 ECX: 0xbfffeb27 --> 0x0 EDX: 0xb7e064d0 (: push ebp)ESI: 0xb7e064d0 (: push ebp)EDI: 0x420 EBP: 0xbffff0e8 --> 0xbffff218 --> 0xbffff268 --> 0x0 ESP: 0xbfffebac --> 0xb7efddbc (: add esp,0x20)EIP: 0xb7e064d0 (: push ebp)EFLAGS: 0x286 (carry PARITY adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7e064c8 : pop ebx 0xb7e064c9 : ret 0xb7e064ca: lea esi,[esi+0x0]=> 0xb7e064d0 : push ebp 0xb7e064d1 : mov ebp,esp 0xb7e064d3 : push edi 0xb7e064d4 : push esi 0xb7e064d5 : push ebx[------------------------------------stack-------------------------------------][------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, valueBreakpoint 2, _nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r (name=0x8048653 "", pat=0xbffff0c8, buffer=0xbfffebd0 "\377\002", buflen=0x420, errnop=0xbffff0c4, herrnop=0xbffff0b0, ttlp=0x0) at nss_dns/dns-host.c:284284 nss_dns/dns-host.c: No such file or directory.


gdb-peda$ bt#0 _nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r (name=0x8048653 "", pat=0xbffff0c8, buffer=0xbfffebd0 "\377\002", buflen=0x420, errnop=0xbffff0c4, herrnop=0xbffff0b0, ttlp=0x0) at nss_dns/dns-host.c:284#1 0xb7efddbc in gaih_inet (name=, name@entry=0x8048653 "", service=, req=0xbffff23c, pai=0xbffff1fc, naddrs=0xbffff1c4) at ../sysdeps/posix/getaddrinfo.c:862#2 0xb7f0023e in __GI_getaddrinfo (name=, service=0x8048650 "22", hints=0xbffff23c, pai=0xbffff234) at ../sysdeps/posix/getaddrinfo.c:2417#3 0x08048588 in main ()#4 0xb7e4d5cb in __libc_start_main (main=0x804853b , argc=0x1, argv=0xbffff314, init=0x80485d0 , fini=0x8048630 , rtld_fini=0xb7feb210 , stack_end=0xbffff30c) at libc-start.c:289#5 0x08048461 in _start ()



接下来,我们通过最开始的bt堆栈调用,对后面几个函数进行分析,如果想在之后的调用位置下断点,需要继续对的加载进行跟踪,那么接下来,为了能够快速定位,我们就利用最开始回溯堆栈调用给予的信息,对#0,#1,#2三处下断点,首先利用catch load对动态链接库下断点,中断后,我们首先来到第一个#2位置。

gdb-peda$ b __libc_res_nsearchBreakpoint 4 at 0xb7df5240: file res_query.c, line 342.gdb-peda$ runStarting program: /opt/gclient [----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0xffffffb8 EBX: 0xb7e0d000 --> 0x5ec8 ECX: 0xbfffe200 --> 0x0 EDX: 0x0 ESI: 0xb7e35940 (0xb7e35940)EDI: 0x8048653 ("")EBP: 0xbfffea68 --> 0xbfffefa8 --> 0xbffff0d8 --> 0xbffff128 --> 0x0 ESP: 0xbfffe1cc --> 0xb7e09590 (: add esp,0x30)EIP: 0xb7df5240 (: push ebp)EFLAGS: 0x292 (carry parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df5238 : ret 0xb7df5239 : call 0xb7dfca50 0xb7df523e: xchg ax,ax=> 0xb7df5240 : push ebp 0xb7df5241 : push edi 0xb7df5242 : push esi 0xb7df5243 : push ebx 0xb7df5244 : call 0xb7df06e0 [------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, valueBreakpoint 4, __GI___libc_res_nsearch (statp=0xb7fd6340 , name=0x8048653 "", class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe200 "", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffea2c, answerp2=0xbfffea30, nanswerp2=0xbfffea34, resplen2=0xbfffea38, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffea3c) at res_query.c:342342 res_query.c: No such file or directory.


gdb-peda$ b __libc_res_nquerydomainBreakpoint 5 at 0xb7df4eb0: file res_query.c, line 563.gdb-peda$ runStarting program: /opt/gclient [----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 EBX: 0xb7e04000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0xbfffea2c --> 0xbfffe200 --> 0x0 EDX: 0x8048653 ("")ESI: 0x3 EDI: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 EBP: 0xbfffea30 --> 0x0 ESP: 0xbfffdd2c --> 0xb7df54cb (: add esp,0x30)EIP: 0xb7df4eb0 (: push ebp)EFLAGS: 0x292 (carry parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df4ea4 : push eax 0xb7df4ea5 : call 0xb7df0680 0xb7df4eaa: lea esi,[esi+0x0]=> 0xb7df4eb0 : push ebp 0xb7df4eb1 : push edi 0xb7df4eb2 : mov edi,eax 0xb7df4eb4 : push esi 0xb7df4eb5 : push ebx[------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, valueBreakpoint 5, __libc_res_nquerydomain ( statp=statp@entry=0xb7fd6340 , name=name@entry=0x8048653 "", domain=0x0, class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe200 "", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffea2c, answerp2=0xbfffea30, nanswerp2=0xbfffea34, resplen2=0xbfffea38, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffea3c) at res_query.c:563563 res_query.c: No such file or directory.


gdb-peda$ b __libc_res_nqueryBreakpoint 6 at 0xb7df47f0: file res_query.c, line 124.gdb-peda$ runStarting program: /opt/gclient [----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0x11 EBX: 0xb7e04000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0x13 EDX: 0x5 ESI: 0x8048653 ("")EDI: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 EBP: 0x0 ESP: 0xbfffd8ac --> 0xb7df4fa1 (: add esp,0x30)EIP: 0xb7df47f0 (: push ebp)EFLAGS: 0x292 (carry parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df47eb: xchg ax,ax 0xb7df47ed: xchg ax,ax 0xb7df47ef: nop=> 0xb7df47f0 : push ebp 0xb7df47f1 : mov edx,0x220 0xb7df47f6 : mov ebp,esp 0xb7df47f8 : push edi 0xb7df47f9 : push esi[------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, valueBreakpoint 6, __GI___libc_res_nquery (statp=0xb7fd6340 , name=0x8048653 "", class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe200 "", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffea2c, answerp2=0xbfffea30, nanswerp2=0xbfffea34, resplen2=0xbfffea38, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffea3c) at res_query.c:124124 res_query.c: No such file or directory.


_nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r (const char *name, struct gaih_addrtuple **pat, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop, int *herrnop, int32_t *ttlp){ ……//省略过程 …… host_buffer.buf = orig_host_buffer = (querybuf *) alloca (2048);//开辟2048空间,重要! u_char *ans2p = NULL; int nans2p = 0; int resplen2 = 0; int ans2p_malloced = 0; int olderr = errno; enum nss_status status; //调用__libc_res_nsearch int n = __libc_res_nsearch (&_res, name, C_IN, T_UNSPEC, host_buffer.buf->buf, 2048, &host_buffer.ptr, &ans2p, &nans2p, &resplen2, &ans2p_malloced);


int__libc_res_nsearch(res_state statp, const char *name, /* domain name */ int class, int type, /* class and type of query */ u_char *answer, /* buffer to put answer */ int anslen, /* size of answer */ u_char **answerp, u_char **answerp2, int *nanswerp2, int *resplen2, int *answerp2_malloced){ ……省略过程……//调用_libc_res_nquerydomain ret = __libc_res_nquerydomain(statp, name, NULL, class, type, answer, anslen, answerp, answerp2, nanswerp2, resplen2, answerp2_malloced);


static int__libc_res_nquerydomain(res_state statp, const char *name, const char *domain, int class, int type, /* class and type of query */ u_char *answer, /* buffer to put answer */ int anslen, /* size of answer */ u_char **answerp, u_char **answerp2, int *nanswerp2, int *resplen2, int *answerp2_malloced){ ……省略过程……//调用libc_res_nquery return (__libc_res_nquery(statp, longname, class, type, answer, anslen, answerp, answerp2, nanswerp2, resplen2, answerp2_malloced));}



gdb-peda$ runStarting program: /root/Desktop/CVE-2015-7547-master/CVE-2015-7547-master/gclient [----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0x804c728 --> 0x35000002 EBX: 0xb7e01000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0x0 EDX: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 ESI: 0x0 EDI: 0xb7fd6514 --> 0xffffffff EBP: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 ESP: 0xbfffd5d0 --> 0xbfffd764 --> 0x1006d EIP: 0xb7df3702 (: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x158])EFLAGS: 0x246 (carry PARITY adjust ZERO sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df36f6 : mov esi,DWORD PTR [esp+0x1c] 0xb7df36fa : test esi,esi 0xb7df36fc : jne 0xb7df4145 => 0xb7df3702 : mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x158] 0xb7df3709 : mov esi,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x0] 0xb7df370c : mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x9c],0x0 0xb7df3717 : mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x74],eax 0xb7df371b : mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x4][------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, valueBreakpoint 2, __libc_res_nsend (statp=0xb7fd6340 , buf=0xbfffd740 "\362 \001", buflen=0x24, buf2=0xbfffd764 "m", buflen2=0x24, ans=0xbfffe340 "", anssiz=0x800, ansp=0xbfffeb6c, ansp2=0xbfffeb70, nansp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, ansp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_send.c:564564 res_send.c: No such file or directory.


gdb-peda$ finishRun till exit from #0 __libc_res_nsend (statp=0xb7fd6340 , buf=0xbfffd740 "\362 \001", buflen=0x24, buf2=0xbfffd764 "m", buflen2=0x24, ans=0xbfffe340 "", anssiz=0x800, ansp=0xbfffeb6c, ansp2=0xbfffeb70, nansp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, ansp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_send.c:564[----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0xbcc EBX: 0xb7e01000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0x1 EDX: 0xffffffff ESI: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 EDI: 0xbfffe340 --> 0x4242006d ('m')EBP: 0xbfffd9e8 --> 0x0 ESP: 0xbfffd710 --> 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 EIP: 0xb7df191b (: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x30],eax)EFLAGS: 0x286 (carry PARITY adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df1912 : push DWORD PTR [ebp-0x30] 0xb7df1915 : push esi 0xb7df1916 : call 0xb7df35a0 => 0xb7df191b : mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x30],eax 0xb7df191e : mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x40] 0xb7df1921 : add esp,0x30 0xb7df1924 : test eax,eax 0xb7df1926 : jne 0xb7df1b50 [------------------------------------stack-------------------------------------]0000| 0xbfffd710 --> 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 0004| 0xbfffd714 --> 0xbfffd740 --> 0x120f2 0008| 0xbfffd718 --> 0x24 ('$')0012| 0xbfffd71c --> 0xbfffd764 --> 0x1006d 0016| 0xbfffd720 --> 0x24 ('$')0020| 0xbfffd724 --> 0xbfffe340 --> 0x4242006d ('m')0024| 0xbfffd728 --> 0x10000 0028| 0xbfffd72c --> 0xbfffeb6c ('B' ...)[------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, value0xb7df191b in __GI___libc_res_nquery (statp=0xb7fd6340 , name=0x8048653 "", class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe340 "m", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffeb6c, answerp2=0xbfffeb70, nanswerp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_query.c:227227 res_query.c: No such file or directory.

在代码区,我们可以看到现在所处的位置是0xb7df191b的位置,而在这个位置上面的地址,执行了call __libc_res_nsend函数,当函数返回后,我们发现在栈中bfffeb6c的位置,出现了我们的畸形字符串B,而PoC端此时也执行了发送操作。我们来看一下bfffeb6c此时的值。

0xbfffeb9c: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x420xbfffeba4: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x420xbfffebac: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x420xbfffebb4: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x420xbfffebbc: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x420xbfffebc4: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x420xbfffebcc: 0x42 0x42 0x42 0x42


int__libc_res_nquery(res_state statp, const char *name, /* domain name */ int class, int type, /* class and type of query */ u_char *answer, /* buffer to put answer */ int anslen, /* size of answer buffer */ u_char **answerp, /* if buffer needs to be enlarged */ u_char **answerp2, int *nanswerp2, int *resplen2, int *answerp2_malloced){ HEADER *hp = (HEADER *) answer; HEADER *hp2; int n, use_malloc = 0; u_int oflags = statp->_flags;……省略过程…… assert (answerp == NULL || (void *) *answerp == (void *) answer);//漏洞触发函数 n = __libc_res_nsend(statp, query1, nquery1, query2, nquery2, answer, anslen, answerp, answerp2, nanswerp2, resplen2, answerp2_malloced); if (use_malloc) free (buf);


gdb-peda$ n[----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0x3 EBX: 0xb7e01000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0xbfffd2e0 --> 0x2 EDX: 0xb7e01000 --> 0x14ed4 ESI: 0xbfffeb78 --> 0x0 EDI: 0xb7fd6514 --> 0xffffffff EBP: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 ESP: 0xbfffd2e0 --> 0x2 EIP: 0xb7df2b64 (: add esp,0x10)EFLAGS: 0x203 (CARRY parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df2b5b : movzx eax,WORD PTR [eax] 0xb7df2b5e : push eax 0xb7df2b5f : call 0xb7ded620 => 0xb7df2b64 : add esp,0x10 0xb7df2b67 : test eax,eax 0xb7df2b69 : mov DWORD PTR [ebp+0x1c4],eax 0xb7df2b6f : js 0xb7df312a 0xb7df2b75 : mov edi,DWORD PTR [esp+0x48][------------------------------------stack-------------------------------------]0000| 0xbfffd2e0 --> 0x2 0004| 0xbfffd2e4 --> 0x1 0008| 0xbfffd2e8 --> 0x0 0012| 0xbfffd2ec --> 0xb7e433e8 --> 0x72647800 ('')0016| 0xbfffd2f0 --> 0xb7fd8900 --> 0xb7e36000 --> 0x464c457f 0020| 0xbfffd2f4 --> 0xbfffeb74 --> 0x0 0024| 0xbfffd2f8 --> 0xbfffeb6c --> 0x804c748 --> 0x8083ab32 0028| 0xbfffd2fc --> 0xbfffd728 --> 0x10000 [------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, value725 in res_send.cBreakpoint 2, send_vc (statp=0xb7fd6340 , buf=0xbfffd740 "B6\001", buflen=0x24, buf2=0xbfffd764 "\t\374\001", buflen2=0x24, ansp=0xbfffd65c, anssizp=0xbfffd728, terrno=0xbfffd668, ns=0x0, anscp=0xbfffeb6c, ansp2=0xbfffeb70, anssizp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, ansp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_send.c:669669 res_send.c: No such file or directory.


gdb-peda$ bt#0 send_vc (statp=0xb7fd6340 , buf=0xbfffd740 "\274\206\001", buflen=0x24, buf2=0xbfffd764 "\264\316\001", buflen2=0x24, ansp=0xbfffd65c, anssizp=0xbfffd728, terrno=0xbfffd668, ns=0x0, anscp=0xbfffeb6c, ansp2=0xbfffeb70, anssizp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, ansp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_send.c:669#1 0xb7df3c4e in __libc_res_nsend (statp=0xb7fd6340 , buf=0xbfffd740 "\274\206\001", buflen=0x24, buf2=0xbfffd764 "\264\316\001", buflen2=0x24, ans=0xbfffe340 "", anssiz=0x10000, ansp=0xbfffeb6c, ansp2=0xbfffeb70, nansp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, ansp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_send.c:554#2 0xb7df191b in __GI___libc_res_nquery (statp=0xb7fd6340 , name=0x8048653 "", class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe340 "", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffeb6c, answerp2=0xbfffeb70, nanswerp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_query.c:227#3 0xb7df1fa1 in __libc_res_nquerydomain ( statp=statp@entry=0xb7fd6340 , name=name@entry=0x8048653 "", domain=0x0, class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe340 "", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffeb6c, answerp2=0xbfffeb70, nanswerp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_query.c:594#4 0xb7df24cb in __GI___libc_res_nsearch (statp=0xb7fd6340 , name=0x8048653 "", class=0x1, type=0xf371, answer=0xbfffe340 "", anslen=0x800, answerp=0xbfffeb6c, answerp2=0xbfffeb70, nanswerp2=0xbfffeb74, resplen2=0xbfffeb78, answerp2_malloced=0xbfffeb7c) at res_query.c:381


gdb-peda$ x/10x 0xbfffd65c0xbfffd65c: 0xbfffe340 0xbfffd764 0xbfffd770 0x0000006e0xbfffd66c: 0x000009e8 0x56cd507c 0x1d20b5f8 0x000000030xbfffd67c: 0x00010001 0xbfffd740


static intsend_vc(res_state statp, const u_char *buf, int buflen, const u_char *buf2, int buflen2, u_char **ansp, int *anssizp,//ansp是2048缓冲区对应地址 int *terrno, int ns, u_char **anscp, u_char **ansp2, int *anssizp2, int *resplen2, int *ansp2_malloced){ const HEADER *hp = (HEADER *) buf; const HEADER *hp2 = (HEADER *) buf2; u_char *ans = *ansp;//对应地址的传递 int orig_anssizp = *anssizp; // XXX REMOVE // int anssiz = *anssizp; HEADER *anhp = (HEADER *) ans;………… if (statp->_vcsock < 0 || (statp->_flags & RES_F_VC) == 0) { if (statp->_vcsock >= 0) __res_iclose(statp, false);//这里建立socket连接 statp->_vcsock = socket(nsap->sin6_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (statp->_vcsock < 0) { *terrno = errno; Perror(statp, stderr, "socket(vc)", errno); return (-1); } __set_errno (0);//connect操作,客户端会提示connect if (connect(statp->_vcsock, (struct sockaddr *)nsap, nsap->sin6_family == AF_INET ? sizeof (struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6)) < 0) { *terrno = errno; Aerror(statp, stderr, "connect/vc", errno, (struct sockaddr *) nsap); __res_iclose(statp, false); return (0); } statp->_flags |= RES_F_VC; } /*发送部分,无关紧要 * Send length & message */…… /*接收部分 * Receive length & response */ int recvresp1 = 0; int recvresp2 = buf2 == NULL; uint16_t rlen16; read_len: cp = (u_char *)&rlen16; len = sizeof(rlen16); while ((n = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY (read(statp->_vcsock, cp, (int)len))) > 0) { cp += n; if ((len -= n) 0){ cp += n; len -= n; }



gdb-peda$ n[----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0x8fe EBX: 0xb7e01000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0xbfffd65c --> 0xbfffe340 --> 0x0 EDX: 0x10000 ESI: 0xbfffe340 --> 0x0 EDI: 0xbfffeb70 --> 0xbfffe340 --> 0x0 EBP: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 ESP: 0xbfffd2f0 --> 0xb7fd8900 --> 0xb7e36000 --> 0x464c457f EIP: 0xb7df2eba (: mov edi,DWORD PTR [edi])EFLAGS: 0x206 (carry PARITY adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df2eab : mov WORD PTR [esp+0x5e],ax 0xb7df2eb0 : cmp ax,0xb 0xb7df2eb4 : jbe 0xb7df2fbd => 0xb7df2eba : mov edi,DWORD PTR [edi] 0xb7df2ebc : jmp 0xb7df2ed6 0xb7df2ebe : xchg ax,ax 0xb7df2ec0 : movzx edx,WORD PTR [esp+0x5e] 0xb7df2ec5 : add edi,eax[------------------------------------stack-------------------------------------]0000| 0xbfffd2f0 --> 0xb7fd8900 --> 0xb7e36000 --> 0x464c457f 0004| 0xbfffd2f4 --> 0xbfffeb74 --> 0x10000 0008| 0xbfffd2f8 --> 0xbfffeb6c --> 0x804c748 --> 0x80818bf5 0012| 0xbfffd2fc --> 0xbfffd728 --> 0x10000 0016| 0xbfffd300 --> 0xbfffeb70 --> 0xbfffe340 --> 0x0 0020| 0xbfffd304 --> 0x0 0024| 0xbfffd308 --> 0xbfffeb74 --> 0x10000 0028| 0xbfffd30c --> 0x1 [------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, value883 in res_send.cgdb-peda$ n[----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------]EAX: 0x8fe EBX: 0xb7e01000 --> 0x14ed4 ECX: 0xbfffe340 --> 0x4242bb5e EDX: 0x8fe ESI: 0xbfffe340 --> 0x4242bb5e EDI: 0xbfffe340 --> 0x4242bb5e EBP: 0xb7fd6340 --> 0x5 ESP: 0xbfffd2f0 --> 0xb7fd8900 --> 0xb7e36000 --> 0x464c457f EIP: 0xb7df2ec0 (: movzx edx,WORD PTR [esp+0x5e])EFLAGS: 0x202 (carry parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)[-------------------------------------code-------------------------------------] 0xb7df2eba : mov edi,DWORD PTR [edi] 0xb7df2ebc : jmp 0xb7df2ed6 0xb7df2ebe : xchg ax,ax=> 0xb7df2ec0 : movzx edx,WORD PTR [esp+0x5e] 0xb7df2ec5 : add edi,eax 0xb7df2ec7 : sub edx,eax 0xb7df2ec9 : movzx eax,dx 0xb7df2ecc : test ax,ax[------------------------------------stack-------------------------------------]0000| 0xbfffd2f0 --> 0xb7fd8900 --> 0xb7e36000 --> 0x464c457f 0004| 0xbfffd2f4 --> 0xbfffeb74 ('B' ...)0008| 0xbfffd2f8 --> 0xbfffeb6c ('B' ...)0012| 0xbfffd2fc --> 0xbfffd728 --> 0x10000 0016| 0xbfffd300 --> 0xbfffeb70 ('B' ...)0020| 0xbfffd304 --> 0x0 0024| 0xbfffd308 --> 0xbfffeb74 ('B' ...)0028| 0xbfffd30c --> 0x1 [------------------------------------------------------------------------------]Legend: code, data, rodata, value886 in res_send.c


*thisresplenp = rlen; /* Is the answer buffer too small? */ if (*thisanssizp < rlen) { /* If the current buffer is not the the static user-supplied buffer then we can reallocate it. */ if (thisansp != NULL && thisansp != ansp) { /* Always allocate MAXPACKET, callers expect this specific size. */ u_char *newp = malloc (MAXPACKET); if (newp == NULL) { *terrno = ENOMEM; __res_iclose(statp, false); return (0); } *thisanssizp = MAXPACKET; *thisansp = newp; if (thisansp == ansp2) *ansp2_malloced = 1;


5. 漏洞检测

由于glibc 2.9 是在2008年发行的,所以大量Linux 系统都会受到该漏洞影响。若一旦绕过内存防护技术,则该漏洞可以成为一大杀器。被劫持的DNS server进行中间人攻击,可直接批量获取大量主机权限。

利用ldd 命令查看C 库函数版本如下:

有趣的是,早在去年的7月份,就有研究人员公布了有关这一漏洞的信息,但当时 此漏洞并没有得到重视。

根据目前的调查情况我们认为此漏洞的级别该视为高危漏洞,Glibc应用于众多Linux发行版本中,所以此类漏洞影响范围十分广泛。该漏洞影响Glibc 2.9以后的所有版本。

6. 漏洞修复

建议广大用户尽快给操作系统打补丁,该漏洞存在于resolv/res_send.c文件中,当getaddrinfo()函数被调用时会触发该漏洞。技术人员可以限制TCP DNS响应包字节的大小,并丢弃超过512字节的UDP DNS数据包来缓解该问题。

有趣的是,早在去年的7月份,就有研究人员公布了有关这一漏洞的信息,但当时 此漏洞并没有得到重视。根据目前的调查情况我们认为此漏洞的级别该视为高危漏洞,glibc应用于众多Linux发行版本中,所以此类漏洞影响范围十分广泛。该漏洞影响glibc 2.9到2.22的所有版本。

7. 相关链接

CVE-2015-7547: glibc getaddrinfo stack-based buffer overflow

CVE-2015-7547 补丁

紧急!Linux 底层函数库“glibc”再现重大安全漏洞!多个 Linux 发行版受影响

Linux Glibc 函数库漏洞分析(CVE-2015-7547)






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